\n \n

\n \n Privacy Policy\n \n


\n \n Terms & Condition\n \n


\n \n This website is designed, updated and maintained by Unifiers\n Social Ventures Pvt Ltd. Though all efforts have been made to\n ensure the accuracy of the content on this website, the same\n should not be construed as a statement of law or used for any\n legal purposes. In case of any ambiguity or doubts, users are\n advised to verify/check with Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt\n Ltd., B-100, LGF, Sarvodya Enclave and to obtain appropriate\n professional advice. By registering yourself as a user with\n SkillsTrainer.in it will be deemed that you have read,\n understood and agreed to fully abide by all the terms and\n conditions of the website as contained herein.{\" \"}\n \n


\n \n The right to use the content and services of the\n SkillsTrainer.in is on permission basis as per the terms and\n conditions contained herein. Except the usage of the content\n and services during the registered period, the registered\n users shall not have any right or title over the website or\n any of its contents. Under no circumstances will Unifiers\n Social Ventures Pvt Ltd. be liable for any expense, loss or\n damage including, without limitation, indirect or\n consequential loss or damage, or any expense, loss or damage\n whatsoever arising from use, or loss of use, of data, arising\n out of or in connection with the use of this website.\n SkillsTrainer.in and Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd reserves\n the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate or refuse all\n or part of its services, for any reason without notice to you.{\" \"}\n \n


\n \n These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed\n in accordance with the Indian Laws. Any dispute arising under\n these terms and conditions shall be subject to the\n jurisdiction of the courts of New Delhi, India. The\n information posted on this website could include hypertext\n links or pointers to information created and maintained by\n non-Government / private organizations. SkillsTrainer.in is\n providing these links and pointers solely for your information\n and convenience. When you select a link to an outside website,\n you are leaving the SkillsTrainer.in website and are subject\n to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of\n the outside website. Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd., does\n not guarantee the availability of such linked pages at all\n times.\n \n


\n Privacy Policy\n


\n \n As a general rule, this website does not collect Personal\n Information about you when you visit the site. You can\n generally visit the site without revealing Personal\n Information, unless you choose to provide such information as\n in the case of Registering yourself as a registered user of\n SkillsTrainer.in We will not identify users or their browsing\n activities, except when a law enforcement agency may exercise\n a warrant to inspect the service provider’s logs or as per any\n prevalent Indian cyber laws. Your email address will only be\n recorded if you choose to register yourself for using the\n SkillsTrainer courses. Your email address will not be used for\n any other purpose, and will not be disclosed, without your\n consent. Though we may provide from time to time details of\n the new courses available on SkillsTrainer.in.\n \n


\n \n Copyright Policy\n \n


\n \n All the information and courses on this website are sole\n copyright of Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd. or its\n empaneled/ registered content providers. All material\n available on this website SkillsTrainer.in including but not\n limited to its design, text, graphics, screen shots,\n animations, files, videos and the selection and arrangement\n thereof is protected by copyright laws. The contents of this\n website may not be reproduced partially or fully, without due\n permission from Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd. If referred\n to as a part of another publication, the source must be\n appropriately acknowledged. The contents of this website can\n not be used in any misleading or objectionable context.{\" \"}\n \n


\n \n Delivery and Shipping Policy\n \n


\n \n Delivery means the digital access/ download or the physical\n delivery of subscribed/ purchased content to the learner/\n user/ customers. The delivery/ access/ download or any\n physical delivery shall be made only after 100% payment is\n received from the learner/ user/ customer or as per the\n prevailing scheme which will be mentioned on the\n SkillsTrainer.in website and as per the mentioned delivery\n schedule.\n \n


\n \n Refund and Cancellation\n \n


\n \n Please note that Courses once subscribed cannot be cancelled\n and no refund to that effect can be made. Since\n SkillsTrainer.in is offering non-tangible irrevocable goods we\n do not issue refunds once any course/ courses is/are\n subscribed. As a learner/ user/ customer you are responsible\n for understanding that no refund or cancellation is possible\n upon any subscription at our site.\n \n


\n \n Authorisation for third party services\n \n


\n \n Trainers on our site will be required to provide authorisation\n to their google calendar service in order for the platform to\n create and maintain video call sessions. The system is\n designed in such a manner to provide complete control of the\n video call to the trainers. SkillsTrainer doesn't use the said\n service for any other purpose than the one mentioned above and\n doesn't store or use the authorizing user's data that isn't\n related to the aforementioned service.\n \n


\n \n Product/Services and Pricing Structure\n \n


\n \n All the courses and material available on SkillsTrainer.in has\n been listed on the website. All the courses/ material may not\n be available all the time and SkillsTrainer.in/ Unifiers\n Social Ventures Pvt Ltd does not guarantee availability at all\n the time. Whenever a learner/ user/ customer orders any\n material the same shall be given as per the pricing mentioned\n at that time on the website and only the prevailing price\n shall be charged. Any government taxes and delivery charges as\n mentioned and applicable shall be charged extra. The pricing\n mentioned for various products/ material/ courses are subject\n to change without any prior intimation of any kind.{\" \"}\n \n


\n Disclaimer\n


\n \n The contents of this website are for information and learning\n purposes only, and do not have any legal sanctity. We do not\n assume any legal liability on the completeness, accuracy or\n usefulness of the contents provided in this website. All the\n effort has been made to ensure authenticity, accuracy and that\n no material is plagiarized. If there is any inadvertent\n resemblance to any other content, it may be immediately\n brought to the notice of Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd on\n 011-26562422/ 41073077 and we shall immediately review the\n content and take the required action. Some links may be\n provided to other external sites in some of the courses/\n documents. We do not take responsibility for the accuracy of\n the contents in those sites. The hyperlink given to external\n sites do not constitute an endorsement of information,\n products or services offered by these sites.\n \n


\n \n Despite our best efforts, we do not guarantee that the\n documents in this site are free from infection by computer\n viruses etc. We welcome your suggestions to improve this\n website and request that error (if any) may kindly be brought\n to our notice.Terms & Condition. This website is designed,\n updated and maintained by Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd.\n Though all efforts have been made to ensure the accuracy of\n the content on this website, the same should not be construed\n as a statement of law or used for any legal purposes. In case\n of any ambiguity or doubts, users are advised to verify/check\n with Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd., B-100, LGF, Sarvodya\n Enclave and to obtain appropriate professional advice. By\n registering yourself as a user with SkillsTrainer.in it will\n be deemed that you have read, understood and agreed to fully\n abide by all the terms and conditions of the website as\n contained herein.\n \n


\n \n The right to use the content and services of the\n SkillsTrainer.ni is on permission basis as per the terms and\n conditions contained herein. Except the usage of the content\n and services during the registered period, the registered\n users shall not have any right or title over the website or\n any of its contents. Under no circumstances will Unifiers\n Social Ventures Pvt Ltd. be liable for any expense, loss or\n damage including, without limitation, indirect or\n consequential loss or damage, or any expense, loss or damage\n whatsoever arising from use, or loss of use, of data, arising\n out of or in connection with the use of this website.\n SkillsTrainer.in and Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd reserves\n the right, in its sole discretion, to terminate or refuse all\n or part of its services, for any reason without notice to you.\n \n


\n \n These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed\n in accordance with the Indian Laws. Any dispute arising under\n these terms and conditions shall be subject to the\n jurisdiction of the courts of New Delhi, India. The\n information posted on this website could include hypertext\n links or pointers to information created and maintained by\n non-Government / private organizations. SkillsTrainer.in is\n providing these links and pointers solely for your information\n and convenience. When you select a link to an outside website,\n you are leaving the SkillsTrainer.in website and are subject\n to the privacy and security policies of the owners/sponsors of\n the outside website. Unifiers Social Ventures Pvt Ltd., does\n not guarantee the availability of such linked pages at all\n times\n \n

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